PHONE +1-202-253-2251 FAX +1-267-350-6577 E-MAIL
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Electronics R�sum�
Long embedded digital systems experience, gained in a breadth of
target industries, has resulted in an electronics design expertise applicable to any
digital design challenge.
Professional Experience
Washington, DC
Mar 2007 - Present
Proto-Logic Consulting LLC
- Designed, laid out, tested, reviewed, and manufactured a number of electronic circuit boards. Several activities were classified and most remain proprietary; in respect for my clients, summaries only are listed here:
- Timing, clocking, and interface conversion boards
- RF upconverter, downconverter, and sampling boards
- Remote sensor data acquisition boards, including position sensing
- Boards and boxes for running automated tests on manufactured devices
- Very compact boards, reducing component count to minimum, to fit in tiny enclosures
- High-power AC switching systems and DC motor drives
- Designed, assembled, and tested a successful prototype vein-identification image processing device.
Ashburn, VA
Feb 1996 - Oct 2005
AeroAstro Inc.
Chief Embedded Systems Engineer
- Architected, led the design team for, and tested the SMARTBus Core Electronics Block: a single small board which performs power management, computation, data interface, self-healing, networking, and EDAC functions for spacecraft subsystems. Integrated two microprocessors, an FPGA, power and interface electronics; multiple CEBs automatically networked to perform larger tasks.
- In three weeks, took over, redesigned, and reimplemented the digital section of a radar transponder which had been entirely nonfunctional. Upon delivery, all digital functions performed per or better than specification. Vastly reduced board size and complexity, while increasing design flexibility.
- Solely designed, implemented, tested, and integrated the Bitsy single-board-spacecraft command and data handling system. This was an FPGA-based, extremely low power, robust device which performed all the digital, analog, and serial interfaces of a complete microspacecraft, oversaw vehicle health, and commanded primary and backup power systems.
Manassas, VA
Jun 1994 - Feb 1996
LORAL Federal Systems
Associate Engineer
- Implemented the Link layer of a high speed, radiation hardened P1394 Firewire � PCI bridge ASIC for a classified Navy satellite. Brought the device from specification through design and simulation to fabrication. Design process paced and moved with the P1394 definition, still in development at the time.
Patents and Publications
Cohen et al (2010): US7,792,334, Locating blood vessels.
Jord�n et al (2006): US20060016935, Modular spacecraft design architecture, pending.
McDermott et al (2005): US6,940,811, Redundant information processing system.
McDermott et al (2002): Automotive electronics in space: combining the advantages of high reliability components with high production volume. IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings 2002, Volume 4.
Fleeter et al (2001): US6,283,416, Spacecraft kernel.
McDermott et al (1999): The Bitsy Spacecraft Kernel: Reducing Nanosatellite Mission Cost in the MSFC Future-X Program Through Miniaturized Technologies. Utah Small Satellite Conference Proceedings, 1999.
McDermott et al (1993): US5,210,380, Digitizer with serpentine conductor grid and uniform conductor repeat increments.
Cambridge, MA
Sep 1990 - Jun 1994
S.B., Master of Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
- Concentrations in Circuit Design, Communications, Artificial Intelligence, Psychology
Languages and Platforms
Fluent: English, French; Familiar: Italian, Spanish, Russian, German, Japanese, Mandarin
Fluent: Java, C, C#, C++, VHDL, Objective C, Pascal, Assembly
Fluent: Linux (embedded and desktop), OS X, Unix, Windows, vxWorks, no-OS
Fluent: PowerPC, PIC, ChipCon, MSP430, x86, ColdFire, 80x1, 68xxx, 56xxx, Blackfin.
Fluent: Actel, Xilinx. Familiar: Atmel, pSOC.
Other Information
Security clearance: Secret
Pilot: Single-Engine Land, IFR
Hobbies: classical and modern piano, travel, home automation, model rocketry, electric vehicle construction