PHONE +1-202-253-2251 • FAX +1-267-350-6577 • E-MAIL [email protected]


Electronics R�sum�

Long embedded digital systems experience, gained in a breadth of target industries, has resulted in an electronics design expertise applicable to any digital design challenge.

Professional Experience

Washington, DC
Mar 2007 - Present
Proto-Logic Consulting LLC


Ashburn, VA
Feb 1996 - Oct 2005
AeroAstro Inc.

Chief Embedded Systems Engineer

Manassas, VA
Jun 1994 - Feb 1996
LORAL Federal Systems

Associate Engineer

Patents and Publications

Cohen et al (2010): US7,792,334, Locating blood vessels.

Jord�n et al (2006): US20060016935, Modular spacecraft design architecture, pending.

McDermott et al (2005): US6,940,811, Redundant information processing system.

McDermott et al (2002): “Automotive electronics in space: combining the advantages of high reliability components with high production volume.” IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings 2002, Volume 4.

Fleeter et al (2001): US6,283,416, Spacecraft kernel.

McDermott et al (1999): “The Bitsy Spacecraft Kernel: Reducing Nanosatellite Mission Cost in the MSFC Future-X Program Through Miniaturized Technologies.” Utah Small Satellite Conference Proceedings, 1999.

McDermott et al (1993): US5,210,380, Digitizer with serpentine conductor grid and uniform conductor repeat increments.


Cambridge, MA
Sep 1990 - Jun 1994

S.B., Master of Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Languages and Platforms

Fluent: English, French; Familiar: Italian, Spanish, Russian, German, Japanese, Mandarin

Fluent: Java, C, C#, C++, VHDL, Objective C, Pascal, Assembly

Fluent: Linux (embedded and desktop), OS X, Unix, Windows, vxWorks, no-OS

Fluent: PowerPC, PIC, ChipCon, MSP430, x86, ColdFire, 80x1, 68xxx, 56xxx, Blackfin.

Fluent: Actel, Xilinx. Familiar: Atmel, pSOC.

Other Information

Security clearance: Secret

Pilot: Single-Engine Land, IFR

Hobbies: classical and modern piano, travel, home automation, model rocketry, electric vehicle construction